Research Assistant (RA) Post in MNNIT, 01 Vacancy

Department of Biotechnology, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), Allahabad  requires 01 Research Assistant (RA) for a Research Project entitled ““Identification of novel drug targets in Aspergillus fumigatus genome prioritized by essentiality based screening and rational designing of new antifungal compounds” sponsored by  Council of Science and Technology, U.P on contractual basis for a period of one year. Eligible and qualified candidates may apply in a prescribed application format by on or before 03rd July, 2015.
Name of the Organisation/ Company
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad (MNNIT)
Name of the Posts
Research Assistant (RA)
No. of Vacancies
Last Date to Apply
Type of Appointment
Contractual – One year
The details of vacancies, educational qualifications, experience and salary are mentioned below.

Name of the Posts and Place
Research Assistant (RA)
No. of Vacancies
Last Date to Apply
Your application should reach to the below mentioned address by or before
03rd July, 2015
Office of the Dean (Research & Consultancy), Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad-211004
Also send a soft copy of the application to Email ID
Project Title
Identification of novel drug targets in Aspergillus fumigatus genome prioritized by
essentiality based screening and rational designing of new antifungal compounds
Educational Qualifications
M.Sc./ M.Tech/ B.Tech or n Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Life Sciences and/or other related branches with first class
Age as on 01.04.2015
Not more than 28 years
Selection Procedure
Through Interview
How to Apply
Through Post
For detailed information and Application Format Click here