Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) – 56 Vacancies – Assistant Director, Agricultural Officer, Inspector and Various Other Posts – 2015

Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) has released an employment notification for the recruitment to the posts of Assistant Director, Agricultural Officer, Inspector, Public Relation Officer, Police Constable, Pharmacist, Lecturer, Medical Officer,  Teacher, Lower Division Clerk, Male Warden and Deputy Accounts Manager in various departments. Interested and eligible candidates can apply online by on or before 16th April, 2015 .The details of the employment notification are given below.
Important Date
Last Date for  Online Application Registration
16th April, 2015

Details of Vacancies
Name of the Post
No. of Vacancies
Assistant Director
Industries and Commerce
Agricultural Officer
Kerala Land Use Board
Legal Metrology Department
First Grade Overseer/ First Grade Draftsman (Civil)
Public Works/Irrigation
Public Relations Officer
District Co-operative Bank
Agricultural Officer
Pharmacist Gr-II
Police Constable (Armed Police Battalion)
Battalion wise
Ayurveda Therapist
Indian Systems of Medicines
Lecturer in Physical Education
Collegiate Education
Medical Officer (Netra)
Indian Systems of Medicine
Divisional Accountant
Kerala State Electricity Board
Higher Secondary School Teacher - Statistics
Higher Secondary Education
Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior) English
Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior)
Draftsman (Architectural) Grade I
PWD (Architectural Wing)
Fireman Driver-cum-Pump-Operator (Trainee)
Fire and Rescue Services
 Deputy Accounts Manager
Kerala Water Authority
Male Warden
Lower Division Clerk (Tamil and Malayalam knowing)
L.D. Typist (Ex-Servicemen only)
II Grade Overseer/ Draftsman (Civil)
Public Works

Eligibility Criteria
Name of the Post
Educational Qualifications
Assistant Director
Degree in any branch of Engineering or Technology  from a recognized University
18 years-36 years
Agricultural Officer
Second class Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture/ Horticulture from a recognized University or its equivalent
20 years- 36 years
Graduation from a recognised University in Science (with Physics as one of the subjects)
19 years- 37 years
First Grade Overseer/ First Grade Draftsman (Civil)
Diploma in Civil Engineering of the Kerala University or Diploma recognised by Government as equivalent thereto.
Upper age limit shall not exceed 50 year
Public Relations Officer
A Bachelor's/Master's Degree in Public Relations/Journalism from a recognised University with not less than 50% marks.
18 years-40 years
18 years-50 years
Agricultural Officer
Bachelors Degree in Agriculture or Horticulture of a recognised University.
18 years-40 years
18 years-50 years
Pharmacist Gr-II
(i) Pre-Degree/Plus Two/VHSE.
(ii) Diploma in Pharmacy
(iii) Registration with the Kerala State Pharmacy Council
18 years-36 years
Police Constable (Armed Police Battalion)
Pass in S.S.L.C examination or its equivalent
18 years-26 years
Ayurveda Therapist
i) Pass in SSLC or equivalent qualification. ii) Pass in Ayurveda Therapist Course conducted by Government of Kerala
18 years-36years
Lecturer in Physical Education
Masters Degree in the concerned subject with not less than 55% marks or its
equivalent and good academic record . Must have passed a Comprehensive Test in the concerned subject specifically
conducted for the purpose by UGC or any agency duly constituted by the State
Government in this behalf.
22 years-43 years
Medical Officer (Netra)
MD (Ayurveda)Netra/Salakya awarded by a recognized University. ‘A’ class registration in the Travancore – Cochin Medical Council
19 years-44 years
Divisional Accountant
Graduation   plus   a   pass   in   the   Intermediate   Examination conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or a pass in the Intermediate Examinations conducted by the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India
18 years ­ 41 years
Higher Secondary School Teacher - Statistics
i) Master’s Degree in the concerned subject with not less than 50% marks from any of the
Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognised as equivalent thereto in the respective subject by a University in Kerala. ii) B.Ed in the concerned subject acquired after a regular course of study from any of the Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognised as equivalent there to by a University in Kerala. iii) Must have passed the State Eligibility Test for the post of Higher Secondary School Teachers conducted by Government of Kerala or by the agency authorised by the State
20 years-45 years
Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior) English
Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior)
Draftsman (Architectural) Grade I
Diploma in Engineering of the Kerala University or any other Diploma considered as
equivalent thereto by the Government of Kerala. OR
Licentiate in Civil Engineering from the Polytechnics at Kozhikode, Thrissur,
Kalamassery or any other qualification recognized as equivalent thereto by the
Government of Kerala.
19 years-40 years
Fireman Driver-cum-Pump-Operator (Trainee)
i) Must have passed SSLC or equivalent examination.
Note : KS & SSR Part II Rule 10 (a) ii is applicable.
ii) Must possess valid current Motor Driving Licence with endorsement for driving
heavy goods vehicle or heavy passenger vehicle.
18 years-29 years
 Deputy Accounts Manager
Associate member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India OR
Associate Membership of the Institute of Cost and Works
Accountants of India
18 years-41 years
Male Warden
Pass in SSLC or its equivalent qualification.
18 years-39 years
Lower Division Clerk (Tamil and Malayalam knowing)
Pass in S.S.L.C. or any equivalent Examination.  Working Knowledge in both Tamil and Malayalam languages
Lower Division Typist (Ex-Servicemen only)
Pass in SSLC or its equivalent.
Lower Grade Certificate in Typewriting Malayalam (KGTE).
Lower Grade Certificate in Typewriting English (KGTE) and Computer Word
18 years-50 years
II Grade Overseer/ Draftsman (Civil)
Group Certificate under KGTE or equivalent Examinations. Diploma in Craftsmanship in the trade of ‘Draftsman (Civil)’ or ‘Surveyor’ obtained after 18
months course (followed by 6 months practical training) at the Industrial Training Institutes/ Centres conducted by the Government of India, Ministry of Labour
18 years -46 years
18 years-50years

Pay Scale
Name of the Post
Pay Scale
Assistant Director
21240 – 37040
Agricultural Officer
20740 – 36140
16180 – 29180
First Grade Overseer/ First Grade Draftsman (Civil)
13900 – 24040
Public Relations Officer
13075 – 31300
Agricultural Officer
Pharmacist Gr-II
11620 – 20240
Police Constable (Armed Police Battalion)
10480 – 18300
Ayurveda Therapist
9940 – 16580
Lecturer in Physical Education
UGC Scale
Medical Officer (Netra)
20740 – 36140
Divisional Accountant
20170 – 33230
Higher Secondary School Teacher - Statistics
19240 – 34500
Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior) English
16180 – 29180
Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior)
Draftsman (Architectural) Grade I
13900 – 24040
Fireman Driver-cum-Pump-Operator (Trainee)
10480 – 18300
 Deputy Accounts Manager
10210 – 15635
Male Warden
10480 – 18300
Lower Division Clerk (Tamil and Malayalam knowing)
9940 – 16580
L.D. Typist (Ex-Servicemen only)
II Grade Overseer/ Draftsman (Civil)
11620 – 20240

Other Details
How to Apply
Online.  Click here to Apply  
For detailed information Click here